Monday, September 14, 2009

YMCA Family Development Centre

You may know about the YMCA or I should probaby say the "Y"... Anyways I didn't know about them until I have my little Achille and I am glad I found out about them as they have great activities for kids - from newborn to pre-schoolers.
The Y I'm talking about is called the Metro-Central YMCA and is located at 15 Breadalbane Street downtown Toronto (Yonge and South of Wellesley) but if you are looking for one around the GTA, you can go to their website at
When I joined, Achille was only 6 weeks old and we both enjoyed getting out of the house even though he was sleeping 20 hours a day:) We started with the baby circle class, a combination of soft lullabies singing and storytelling, at 10am on Fridays and we then joined the lively "singing class" at 10am on Wednesdays. This one-hour class is about the instructor, parents and kids singing lullabies while playing the guitar (I like to think the teacher could be Phoebe in Friends, the tv show!!). After a few weeks of me experiencing those lullabies at home I was amazed to see a smile on Achille's little face when I would pronounce even just a few words of those songs.
We recently joined the 10.30am Monday class even more lively and active but still based on music, songs and instruments. This class might not be for infants as you have to move around but definitely from a few months old.

The Y Family Development Centre has lot of activities that I haven't been able to try out yet, from gardening to cooking classes, from swimming to gym classes and lots of others.
And compared to any other activities for parents and babies it is quite affordable: $180 a year per family with unlimited access to classes and playrooms.
When I am in Toronto, I try not to miss the class as it is a good way for Achille to be educated to music and sounds and a good way for me to connect with other parents or care givers.

Anything I should add to convince you? Staff is really friendly and it is open 7 days a week. For more info on prices and location, you can go to their webpage at

Shall I meet you there next week?

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