Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Swimming Class at Trinity Recreation Centre

We made it, we took our 1st swimming lesson last monday at the recreation centre by the Trinity Bellwoods park (Queen Street West, west of Barthust) and we both enjoyed it.
The class is 30 minutes long in a small pool where you can easily sit down on steps or get on your knees while holding your baby. The group is fairly small with I would say 7 or 8 couples parents/baby. The class starts off with a song and then you get to learn how to hold your baby in the water. After that it's your time to play with your baby and get him/her comfortable in the water, you can walk around the pool, pick toys for your little one to play with or just chat with other parents. If you just did you hair you may not want to do it but otherwise you can soak your baby into the water, I was a little bit scared at first but it looks like Achille liked it so who cares about my hair?! Babies in the group are a few months to 2 years old.
I take the lessons from 10.15 to 10.45am on Mondays but they also have the Guardian class (that's how they call the class for babies) from 10.15 to 10.45am on Fridays and from 7.00 to 7.30pm on Mondays.
Price is affordable because part of the city kids program. It's only $30 for 9 sessions.
It was lot of fun, Achille loved it and the instructor is really nice . However I didn't find the water was really warm and when you get out of the water changing rooms are not warm either... My sessions go through the fall so at that point I am a little bit concerned...
FYI Little Swimmers and a bathing suit are fine.

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