Monday, November 2, 2009

Rosehill Reservoir Park in Toronto

How nice it would be to escape the city sometimes:) Well, last Sunday we haven't quite left the city, however we went for a long walk in the middle of the trees and Mother Nature. If you live downtown and don't want to get stuck in the traffic to High Park you might be intersted to know about Rosehill Reservoir. The Rosehill Reservoir overlooks Rosedale and goes all the way down to St Clair Avenue west of Mount Pleasant.
The huge, flat grass plateau is a good place for families and children with a playground and four swings. We spent a little bit of time there and really enjoyed the sun going down. If you are in the mood for hiking you may go down on the trails from the plateau but be aware that there might be some stairs at some point so might not be a bad idea to take your baby carrier that day. The scenery is quite nice and peaceful up there and if it's time for feeding you can always head back to a cafe or coffee shop on Yonge Street. I am not good at directions so if you want to find out more about that "discovery walk" you can rely on that route from Toronto Heritage at
Definitely a good spot for a family day and get some fresh air.

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