Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby Trunk Show at the Distillery in Toronto

I know this is a past event (Nov, 6-7th) but because it occurs every year I thought it might be good to say a few words about this baby show. First of all I liked that it took place at the Distillery district and that it was not too too big. There were probaby no more than 50 exhibitors but they claim to sell what you cannot find in stores and I must say that they had nice stuff, including a hairdresser that could come right to your place (haircuts on wheels) for your little one and your husband, clothing, toys, photographs and jewellery. Entrance was $7 which was getting you a 10% discount at the Cafe Uno right across the show, samples, coupons, a participation to a contest for baby products and last but not least a donation to Sick Kids Hospitals. No need to say that they had a changing station in the women's washrooms with wipes and diapers. They also had set up a few tables for parents to relax or feed their babies and a child care service from Kids & Company was available for free.
And because you don't need the full day to go through the exhibition, what a nice opportunity to (re) visit the Distillery and have a bite in one of the restaurants or little cafes there.
Having said that, you may want to bookmark their website for next year

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