Sunday, November 1, 2009

Roof Lounge at the Hyatt Downtown Toronto

You remember that age where you were nervous about not getting into the latest trendy night club? That happened to my husband and I yesterday when we wanted to go for a martini at the Roof Lounge, located on the 18th floor of the Toronto Park Hyatt... We couldn't even get to the bar and we were stopped on the main floor because it was passed 4pm and children are allowed in th elounge from noon to 4pm ONLY. So when you are a parent you are compeled not to be fancy and get back home after 4pm where you can drink as many martinis as you want:) So not much to say about that place, sorry guys! But don't waste your time going there with your little monkey:) Too bad it is warm and cosy in there!!! So if you can get rid of your baby for one crazy night more info at

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