Monday, November 16, 2009

Riverdale Farm in Old Cabbagetown Toronto

Have your kids ever seen cows and sheeps else where than on the shelf of a supermarket? Well here is your chance to show what they look like for real:) The Riverdale Farm in Old Cabbagetown is absolutely baby and kid friendly and it is an amazing place for an "educative" walk. Located 3 blocks east of Parliament Street along Winchester Street and 3 blocks north of Gerrard Street East along Sumach Street, the farm opens daily, 9:00am to 5:00pm year long. Only the lower east gate closes, December 1 st to February 28th.
The farm duties go from egg collection to goat milking or horse grooming and you will be able to enjoy cow milking every day at 10.30am.
They also have a farmer's market (in front of the farm) every Tuesday, rain or shine 3pm to 7pm during the growing season (May to October).
In the summertime come and enjoy a picnic outside the farm's west gate and when you're done with the animals you can walk down along the pathway to the Riverdale Park. Believe me, after 2 hours spent with Mother Nature it's hard to get back to street noises and ambulances:)
And all that right in the city:) For more details about the farm, its programs, the farmer's market or any other info, please go the Friends of Riverdale Farm's website at or to the city's website at

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