Friday, September 18, 2009

Fresh vegetarian restaurant

Long time no talk about restaurants:) No worries, I'm back on track.
Last weekend for the second time in a short period of time my family and I (meaning my husband, our little one and myself) went to Fresh on Queen West (passed the Trinity Bellwoods park). This place is about veggie food and you would have to trust them as you won't know half of the dishes and vegetables on the menu. I would think dishes are asian inspired but I am not even sure... All I know is that food is delicious and it is good to try out new flavours sometimes.
They have a nice patio, with space for strollers and the good or bad thing for our little ones is that the patio gets lot of sun exposure. Now that summer is almost over I am not sure about the room inside, it looks nice but it might be tough to park your stroller, although they have several high chairs available.
They serve food all day long which is priceless if your little one decided for a change that he would have the longest nap ever:)
Last but not least they have a changing station on the main floor so you don't have to carry your stroller down the stairs.
More info on their website at They also have 2 other locations in the city that I don't know (yet).

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